Lisa Naylor: Blog 2020-03-16T06:28:00Z (C) Lisa Naylor Lisa Naylor The Blues

The Blues

Writing words from the heart
When to stop, Where to start

Emotions swirling, Running free
Perfect memory, encompass me

Memories of future, play strong and loud
the cast iron gaze, the noisy crowd

Smokey bar, sad blues singer
Whisky jar, thoughts that linger

Alcohol mixed with beating heart,
Don't stop now or won't restart

Yearning numbness, stop the pain
Until the next soul crushing refrain

Hand me another, keep the flow coming
Gritty melodies, microphone humming

Heart on sleeve, he sings his love-song
Rhythm slow, meaning long

Chords make love to the sticky air
Piercing eyes, promising stare

Lights get dimmer, midnight is here
One last verse, hearts to steer

Packs up words, until the next gig
Money jar empty, ideas big

Walks through town, streetlights glow
Down back alleys, where no-one goes

Armed with the notes of smokey blues song,
Alive and yet raw, sensitive, yet strong

(C) Lisa Naylor 2012-08-14T23:28:01Z 2012-08-14T23:28:01Z